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A document expiry App to help keep track of all important documents in one place.

Concept mocks of the final design



In our day to day lives we deal with a lot of important documents and it sometimes becomes impossible to keep track of their expiration and renewal dates. Many of these documents renewals like passport and drivers license require planning months in advance and other like credit cards and insurance work on a periodic basis. It would be greatly efficient to have an app that can be used to keep track of all these important dates.

High-fidelity prototype



Doc X thought process

Competitor Research


Performed research and comparisons with similar apps like Evernote, Trello and native app reminders.



Created wireframes and flow hierarchy to understand user journey.




Finalized clean design choices that incentivize a small learning curve. I then prototyped the flow and finalized aesthetics and functionality.

Final product


Made final tweaks and formulated future scalability scope like cloud sync.

Analysis Research


Investigated user motivation and reasons to revisit the app. Does the app help unclutter their calendars? How would the app help users renew their important documents on time? 

Wireframe of the App

Type, Color, and Iconography

Final Product



The final app is a clean and simple way to save documents. The ability to set expiration dates, save images of documents and consolidate entries based on category and date, makes this a to go app for all important documents.

App Icon

Final App Design

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